+que_toys: two collect
Two collect consists of Antonia Kühn and Julia Wolf, two german graphic designers, who are on a journey around the world.
The basic plan is to travel in a road around the world to learn from different studios, collectives and artists and to give in exchange our help, disposition, habilities and work in any projects they would like to involve us in.
This is what we thrive on this constant source of inspiration. Even today in times of global networking and virtual communication we believe in actual travel. Not only does it keep us inspired, provides us with stimulations and broadens our horizons but although continues to improve the quality of our work.
A: Since i am three or four years old.
J: I’ve been drawing since I was a child, but once I started learning how to use a computer, my illustrations a mainly computer based. My way of expressing myself without a computer lies in cutting and pasting all different kinds of paper or cartons together.
Who and what inspires you? why?
A: Talking to friends, because they often lead me to a different point of view, walking on the streets, watching people.
J: Talking to my friends and listening to their opinions, plants in whatever form, old drawings of machines or inventions.
Any artist that you would like to recommend?
A: Chris Johanson.
Tell to us, how is a regular day in two collect´s life?
The thing is, that there are no regular days since we’ve started our journey. Routine is some kind of a foreign word to us at the moment. Surprisingly we do miss it from time to time, but in general we are very happy about all the new discoveries and irregularities we experience day by day.
The future for Two Collect consists of... taking the plane on the 20th of September to fly over to Buenos Aires and afterwards to Brazil. Being finally back in Germany in November we are planning to compile a book about our journey.
++++ español ++++
H: ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas ilustrando y cómo empezaste?
A: Desde que tenía 3 o 4 años.
J: Desde que era niña. Desde que aprendí a utilizar mi ordenador mis ilustraciones están fundamentalmente basadas en él. La manera que tengo de expresarme sin utilizar un ordenador es con collages.
¿Quién y qué te inspira? ¿Por qué?
A: Hablar con amigos, porque a menudo me da diferentes puntos de vista; caminando por las calles viendo a gente.
J: Hablando con mis amigos y escuchando sus opiniones; viejos dibujos, máquinas, inventos; plantas de cualquier forma.
¿Algún artista que quieras recomendarnos?
A: Chris Johanson.
Contarnos, ¿cómo es un día normal en la vida de ‘Two Collect’?
La verdad es que no tenemos días ‘normales’ desde que nosotras empezamos nuestro viaje. Rutina es una palabra extraña para nosotras ahora mismo. Sorprendentemente la echamos de menos de vez en cuando pero, en general, estamos contentos con todos los descubrimientos e irregularidades que experimentamos día a día.
El futuro de ‘Two Collect’ consiste en… cogiendo un avión el 20 de septiembre para ir a Buenos Aires y desde ahía Brasil. Volver a Alemania en noviembre. Tenemos la intención de realizar un libro que recapitule todo lo relacionado con nuestro viaje.
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